Monday, December 18, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023!

As of November 2023, Christine has been personally uploading directly to the Bitchute website herself. That's the most important thing I wanted to say today.

When I started this website I had a lot more free time than I do now and my idea was that I could probably upload 2 vids a day and have her entire collection uploaded in a few months. But as it turns out, reality doesn't always work out to what one thinks it will be and I found out that sometimes you can upload a few videos in a day and sometimes you get one posted and it seems to take forever before it's finally done. I'm not sure what dictates the speed or priority of Bitchute uploads but it can take way longer than you might think.

Today I uploaded a 1hour video, "Return Visit" phone convo ( from October 14, 2023 and it took just a few minutes, whereas I've had times where I've uploaded a 5min and it takes hours before it becomes visible.

Earlier this year I was totally up to date with having all the latest videos uploaded, but the last few months I've been busy most evenings with various things and haven't had much time to keep on top of it so I'm now behind over a dozen videos.

About a year ago Bitchute made some serious upgrades to their system and now uploads are happening a lot faster. For this I'm very grateful.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Getting Back to Normal

They say "normal" is just a setting on the dryer, and in these turbulent days we find ourselves in, "normal" should really be kept in quotes because its definition seems somewhat more elusive than it was just a few short years ago.

For example, it was normal in 2019 to see Jehovah's Witnesses going about in nearby neighbourhoods knocking on doors or setting up downtown with their carts of literature. And they were suddenly gone until just recently. Just as of, I think, 2 or maybe 4 weeks ago, they started setting up the carts in their old haunts again.

I haven't personally made my way over to question them yet since they have re-emerged, ...but I will. I'm also looking forward to seeing videos from those that really enjoy "cart crashing". That was the "normal" a few short years ago.

So I've been uploading more Bridget videos in the last couple of weeks as you may have noticed. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

When Life Takes Some Unexpected Turns

Beginning in the fall of 2021, like many others, I had a few unexpected events in my life that started a downward trend. I got a bit depressed, and slowly didn't care much about what was happening in my life. It was almost too much to bear. I won't bore you with a litany of disasters, but one of my business troubles came after an upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 without doing much research. It caused a few issues that were quite frustrating to deal with, including, but not limited to, being able to download Bridget's videos and the picture.

One of the video downloader sites I'd been using for quite some time had been bought by another company, and the steps to download a video quickly went from simple to frustrating. 

There was a new video editor with Windows and it was quite different from the one I'd been used to in Windows 10. Also I'd been using the Windows Snipping Tool to capture the pic that gets used for each video, and it was suddenly not working the way it was supposed to. 

I'd do Shift+WindowsKey+S which would open the Snipping Tool (on Windows 10) and it worked every time. With Windows 11 the picture would not come up right after hitting those buttons. I mean, it would bring up the window which just appears at the top of the screen to let you know you're in that mode, but after I'd take the picture it just would not open and I could not figure out why. I've since figured out a workaround but it sucks and still doesn't work like it used to.

One more. I am a self-employed businessman and the Invoicing program I had been using for several years did some goofy things after installing Windows 11, and it was a bit of a nightmare to get it back working again. I need to use that program and I had to put some things on hold until I could get it fixed. Eventually I did figure it out, but it actually took a couple of weeks.

All these things plus a few other events were conspiring to make my life not much fun for awhile, but, I'm happy to say, things are not so dark, gloomy and sad any more. I've come out of my funk and things are working out again, which is why I've been able to start uploading Bridget from AZ videos again, praise God!

Anyway, my positive message for today is sometimes the Lord leads you into a place where you just need to rely on Him for wisdom and discernment. Sometimes life can be rough, but if you hang in there you can get past the crap and wake one morning to brighter day.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Final Destination

 I'm excited to tell you that I have now caught up to Christine. The Bitchute channel is now more than a mirror of Bridget's YouTube channel. It has all that she has plus more, and almost everything is volumized so it sounds decent and loud in a headset.

It's taken me just over a year and uploaded over 660 videos so far.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Near the End

Happy to be near the end!

It's been over a year of uploading and the end is finally in site as I look at the last 8 videos that need to be uploaded until I'm all caught up.

I'm also happy to announce that I've been having a lot less hassle with Bitchute in recent weeks and that most of the videos become visible in minutes instead of hours, days, or never. It's make the uploads go a lot faster and smoother.

Now I'll be uploading to Odysee once I'm done on Bitchute.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Even Closer!

Fifty percent uptick in subscribers.

At last count I was only about 40 uploads to go before I'm current where Bridget is today. It's like I see the finish line within a couple of weeks.

And strangely, it took over 11 months to gather 41 subscribers, but in the past 2 weeks it has climbed to 63 subs. That's like 50% in two weeks. Amazing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Closer to the Finish Line!

I just realized that I'm only about 150 uploads away from catching up to Christine as of today. Earlier this week I passed a milestone as I uploaded the 500th video. yay me!