Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year as we say goodbye to 2020. It just hurts to have to say "twenty twenty won". :(

I didn't want to complain about the same thing over and over but this issue still continues today. I upload a video and it sits on "Process & Publish" for days at a time until I delete it and reupload, sometimes I have had to reupload 2 or 3 times before it finally takes and becomes visible.

It doesn't happen with EVERY video. Sometimes I can upload 2 or 3 videos in a row where it becomes visible within a few minutes and I can move on to the next one.

On the bright side, as of today we have uploaded 400 videos and now have 32 subscribers. I am a bit surprised I don't get any comments. I did get a commenter when I first started to upload them but I had a long anticipated vacation coming up and I took a break from uploading and responding as I traveled to the interior of BC for 10 days.

When I returned, however, I was rather disappointed to find out that I was no longer able to respond to the comments as they had "timed out" so to speak and there is only a short window of time in which to reply before the comment becomes closed and it's no longer possible to respond.

Other than that one poster I haven't had any others.