Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Final Destination

 I'm excited to tell you that I have now caught up to Christine. The Bitchute channel is now more than a mirror of Bridget's YouTube channel. It has all that she has plus more, and almost everything is volumized so it sounds decent and loud in a headset.

It's taken me just over a year and uploaded over 660 videos so far.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Near the End

Happy to be near the end!

It's been over a year of uploading and the end is finally in site as I look at the last 8 videos that need to be uploaded until I'm all caught up.

I'm also happy to announce that I've been having a lot less hassle with Bitchute in recent weeks and that most of the videos become visible in minutes instead of hours, days, or never. It's make the uploads go a lot faster and smoother.

Now I'll be uploading to Odysee once I'm done on Bitchute.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Even Closer!

Fifty percent uptick in subscribers.

At last count I was only about 40 uploads to go before I'm current where Bridget is today. It's like I see the finish line within a couple of weeks.

And strangely, it took over 11 months to gather 41 subscribers, but in the past 2 weeks it has climbed to 63 subs. That's like 50% in two weeks. Amazing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Closer to the Finish Line!

I just realized that I'm only about 150 uploads away from catching up to Christine as of today. Earlier this week I passed a milestone as I uploaded the 500th video. yay me!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

It's Been Better Lately

 Lately it's been pretty decent uploading videos to the Bridget FromAZ channel. I've had several days where they post almost as soon as they're uploaded. It's almost a shock to see!

This morning, Bridget emailed me to ask my thoughts on the forced advertising now on YouTube where even people who have not signed up with the Partnership program to earn revenue are having their videos interrupted with YouTube ads. What's worse is those same people don't even get revenue from those ads.

I feel it's an either an act of domination by YouTube or an act of desperation because they are failing financially.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I Can't Figure This Out

Man, this is so frustrating. Almost EVERY SINGLE video I try to upload hangs for hours or days before it becomes visible. I've read the forums but there's not much info on this phenomenon and I almost feel like I'm the only one. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year as we say goodbye to 2020. It just hurts to have to say "twenty twenty won". :(

I didn't want to complain about the same thing over and over but this issue still continues today. I upload a video and it sits on "Process & Publish" for days at a time until I delete it and reupload, sometimes I have had to reupload 2 or 3 times before it finally takes and becomes visible.

It doesn't happen with EVERY video. Sometimes I can upload 2 or 3 videos in a row where it becomes visible within a few minutes and I can move on to the next one.

On the bright side, as of today we have uploaded 400 videos and now have 32 subscribers. I am a bit surprised I don't get any comments. I did get a commenter when I first started to upload them but I had a long anticipated vacation coming up and I took a break from uploading and responding as I traveled to the interior of BC for 10 days.

When I returned, however, I was rather disappointed to find out that I was no longer able to respond to the comments as they had "timed out" so to speak and there is only a short window of time in which to reply before the comment becomes closed and it's no longer possible to respond.

Other than that one poster I haven't had any others.