Tuesday, October 27, 2020

300 And Counting!

 I'm happy to finally announce I've reached 300 videos uploaded as of today. I'm happy about this because it marks the halfway mark...or, at least it did about a month ago. She's now up over 600 videos on YouTube, so 300 is no longer halfway, but it's close enough for me.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Uploading Problem

Okay, I give up! I've tried three times to upload Inspired vs Spirit led dated April 22, 2018 and it just won't upload, so I'm going to move on and maybe try again at a later date.

Finally! I uploaded the next video in the list and then tried again to upload the above mentioned video and about 7 hours later it finally completed and was visible.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Do Over

Two days ago I posted "Inspired vs Spirit led" and after waiting for several hours to become visible, I thought I'd just wait it out. I waited two whole days and it still would not post, so I had to delete it and repost. Now it's been nearly an hour since the re-post and it STILL is not visible. Aaaarrrgghhh!

I love BitChute as a YouTube alternative but it is not a slick as YT by any stretch. I just hope when it gets to 100 percent on the "Help Us Grow" icon that it'll be better.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Now the Opposite is True

 Unbelieveable! Yesterday I was complaining that I couldn't upload fast enough and it was taking ridiculously long times to upload, but today I've managed to upload 12 new videos. Amazing!


 I was able to get SEVEN videos uploaded today!

Monday, October 5, 2020

October 5th Addendum

 It's now nearly 6 hours that have gone by since I last posted a video. It's one called, Sharing some Verses with a polite Witness, and for some reason, I posted it at around 9:30 this morning and now here it is 3:08pm and it's still saying it's processing. 

Now over 12 hours have passed. It's 10pm and still this video has not posted. What I've tried before with some success is delete the video and then reupload and it's pretty much guaranteed to be there right away. I'm not sure if I'll do that yet. I might just wait and see what tomorrow morning brings.

New Milestone

Just finished all the videos from 2017 and I've now moved onto 2018. Today I just posted the first video of 2018, and it turns out to be a re-upload from December 30th. It makes me feel good to know I've only got three more years of uploads to do. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Limit of Three

I'm getting the feeling that I'm limited to uploaded about 3 a day by BitChute. I can get two posted fairly quickly but that third one just says "processing" for hours and hours sometimes. Oh well, nothing I can do about it, I can only hope as that dollar percentage in the upper right of the screen gets to 100 percent that the problem will one day just go away.